A very special moment for us a Christian school was when we all went to the school´s auditorium to celebrate the One who deserves all the glory and the honor: Jesus Christ! We had a beautiful time of worship, a little play by teachers and then the meditation by our Dean. Within the sharing of the Word, new students were introduced. Cute moment when a kid from Philippines showed us on a map all the road he had to travel to get here. This year I am the grade in school with the most newcomers: four in total. I always get excited about new students, I must confess. :) One of the things that truly impacted me was what our school´s dean told us the Lord had told him. The Lord had said: "This is the year in which you will worship me voluntarily." Wow, God knows that is something we have been praying for. So that was a mouthful of fresh air into our spirits.
It was pretty nice when teachers were introduced. Some of us got a loud ovation...wonder why...:) It was overall exciting! We even had a rather sad and emotional moment when we prayed for this great student that had to say goodbye since her family was moving abroad. You could tell she is very dear and loved as we teachers and her classmates went over to hug and kiss her, and of course bless her and declare prosperity over her life an family in this new chapter that unfolds before her. We wish her the best and will definitively miss her.
This school year is full of challenges for me. Somehow and sometimes I feel it is so much; you know all this technological integration I´m planning to perform can get a little overwhelming sometimes. As I had mentioned before in an earlier post, I thank the Lord our school´s administration is full willing to invest in technological tools. This school year particularly all High School classrooms are equipped with Interactive board software. So exciting! The Science Lab has been equipped as well. There´s a lot of hard work and time investing ahead of us.
I pray that this year is full of great fruits of joy. Every single day I want to be able to bend my knees and as I pray, bless each and every one of the kids I am allowed to stand before of; teaching, talking, imparting, and being a blessing to them. Because, seriously: Teaching is not my job, it´s my passion; getting better at it, that´s my job. So help me God!
Pictures generously provided by: Elliot Velásquez, Arlett Lizondro, Francis Corea, Luis Alfaro, and Yerty Mejía. (My sincere apologies to those whose picture I did not publish. They did not fit!)
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